Can I mold figure skates to fit my foot?

JACKSON figure skates – ✅YES!

They can be molded thanks to memory foam padding in beginner models, and in higher models, they can be heat-molded using a special skate oven, which you can find in our central store in Náchod.

RISPORT figure skates – ✅YES!

Molding is possible using a special sleeve and a specific heating method. We professionally provide thermal molding in our ICEDREAM stores.

EDEA figure skates – ✅YES!

Thanks to memory foam padding in all models. EDEA skates can also be heat-molded, but only locally.

⚠️ EDEA skates must NOT be baked in an oven!! This will completely ruin them. The warning label prohibiting oven molding is printed on all EDEA boxes! We offer special fitting services at our central store in Náchod.

All manufacturers also offer custom-made figure boots. If you need this option, please contact us.

⚠️ Never attempt heat molding on your own! Always trust professionals!

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